Subhadra Yojana Online Apply 2024: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced the launch of the Subhadra Yojana Online Application 2024. This scheme, introduced ahead of the upcoming elections in Odisha, is a key feature in the BJP’s manifesto. Under the Subhadra Yojana, the party promises to provide financial assistance of INR 50,000 to all female citizens of Odisha. The aim of this scheme is to ensure that women in Odisha do not have to rely on others for their daily expenses. Interested applicants can visit the official website to fill out the online application form.
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Subhadra Yojana Overview
Feature | Details |
Scheme Name | Subhadra Yojana |
Announced By | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Objective | Provide financial assistance to female citizens |
Beneficiaries | Female citizens of Odisha |
Launch Date | 17th September 2024 |
Financial Assistance | INR 50,000 |
Budget Allocation | INR 10,000 crore |
Official Website | [Link to official website] |
Rs 10,000 Crore Allocated for Subhadra Yojana
In an effort to enhance the quality of life for women in Odisha, the state government has significantly increased the budget for the Subhadra Yojana. During the announcement of the state’s union budget, a proposal of INR 10,000 crore was allocated specifically for this scheme. This increase is part of a broader budget of INR 17,942 crore dedicated to the women and child development sector. The goal is to extend financial support to a greater number of economically disadvantaged women across the state.
Launch Date: 17th September 2024
The Odisha state government plans to officially launch the Subhadra Yojana on 17th September 2024, coinciding with the 75th birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. From this date, all eligible female citizens of Odisha can begin benefiting from the scheme. Successful applicants will receive a cash voucher worth INR 50,000, which they can encash over a two-year period. Prime Minister Modi is expected to attend the launch event in Odisha.
Announcement and Purpose of Subhadra Yojana
The Subhadra Yojana was announced by BJP National President Mr. JP Nadda during the release of the party’s manifesto in Odisha. He stated that if the BJP comes to power in Odisha, they will offer financial assistance of INR 50,000 to all female citizens of the state. The scheme aims to improve the quality of life for women, empowering them to live more comfortably. The Subhadra Yojana has previously seen success in states like Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
Objectives of Subhadra Yojana
The primary goal of the Subhadra Yojana is to provide financial aid and additional benefits to economically unstable women in Odisha. The assistance is designed to elevate the social status and living standards of women across the state. The BJP intends to provide a cash voucher of INR 50,000 to each eligible female citizen, which can be encashed over two years to support their families.
Key Details of Subhadra Yojana
- Name of the Scheme: Subhadra Yojana
- Launched by: Bharatiya Janata Party
- Objective: Provide financial assistance
- Beneficiaries: Female citizens of Odisha
- Financial Assistance: INR 50,000 for selected applicants
Expected Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant must be a permanent resident of Odisha.
- The applicant must be a female citizen.
Expected Required Documents
- Aadhar Card
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
- Electricity Bill
- Address Proof
- PAN Card
- Passport Size Photo
How to Apply for Subhadra Yojana Online in 2024
Applicants can apply for the Subhadra Yojana by visiting the official website. On the homepage, they should locate and click on the “Apply Online” option. After filling in all the necessary details on the application form, applicants should review their information before clicking “Submit” to complete the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who announced the Subhadra Scheme?
The Subhadra Scheme was announced by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Odisha.
Who is eligible for the Subhadra Yojana?
All female citizens of Odisha are eligible for the Subhadra Yojana.
What financial assistance is provided under the Subhadra Scheme?
Selected applicants will receive INR 50,000 under the Subhadra Scheme.